This is more than a party trick. Once you’ve finished the session, take a moment to see how you’re feeling. Chances are it’s better than the usual post-workout slump.
Tip – Use The Nose Instead. And Breathe Deeper.
Benefits – Improve Stamina and Focus
Cons – Circuits are Harder
A side effect that comes with intensive training is that you often end up doubling over, pulling in as much air as you can in order to avoid passing out and fast forwarding to next week. It doesn’t have to be this way. You’re allowed to finish a session without going into shock, and you won’t be weaker for it.
I’ll lay down the gauntlet here. The goal is to complete a session of weights without using the mouth for anything other than that gallon of water you should be getting through. There are exceptions. If you’ve got the flu this week, wait till the next.
There’s a method to this. The critical ideas being that nasal breathing pulls in more oxygen, prevents hyperventilating, brings the heart rate under control, and stops you from getting carried away with deadlift circuits.
If you’ve just done a monster set, and you’re dying, use deep, drawn-out breaths to settle the system. Take as long as you need. Don’t go for the next set while you’re still struggling to keep the mouth closed.
This is more than a party trick. Once you’ve finished the session, take a moment to see how you’re feeling. Chances are it’s better than the usual post-workout slump.
There’s good reason for that. This is the point where you should be stepping down from the fight-or-flight response, into the state of parasympathetic rest. And that transition is far easier to manage when you’ve been able to prevent the pulse rate from getting into chaotically high levels during training.
Intensity doesn’t just have to be restricted to the volume of effort you’re putting in the gym. By taking some pressure off the gas pedal, you’ll be able to divert focus elsewhere. So try this challenge the next time you’re in the gym. Skip leg day if you want an easier time of it.