7 min read

It’s time to stop juggling those fancy ideas and finally put them into motion. At least for a few weeks. Whether you arrived here with a determined click, or just felt a tug of curiosity, I’ll consider you part of this 14 day reset. This is where the rubber and road get tangled.

Over the first two days, you’ll be able to learn the master habits practiced by virtually all successful dieters. With these hacks, you won’t have to lean so heavily on motivation. The diet gets done even when you’re having a disaster of a day.

If you didn’t arrive here from my original article, I’d strongly recommend starting there first, just to get the background.

See The Full Guide – The Apex Diet Reset

Here are the three upgrades geared up for action

The Progress Monster
Increasing superfoods
Decreasing sugars
Eliminating vegetable oils

Over two short weeks, you’re pretty much guaranteed to see changes. While a lofty target like weight loss will take time, the mental and energy benefits come sharper. You’re signing up for a sneak peak at a lifestyle with less stress, inflammation, and better drive and mood levels.

Those three tweaks are engineered to revitalise your metabolism and put you on the fast track for physical and mental progress. But the first few days won’t be touching on them. Before you can start making sweeping changes, certain habits have to be brought into play.

This is all about willpower, or the unsustainability of it. Over the course of a fitness programme, if you want to get across to the finish line, you can’t rely on drive alone. There will be days, and weeks, where you can’t muster up the mojo. 

See My Willpower Guide – The Apex Brain

The goal here is to set down ground rules that will slowly become embedded in the brain circuitry. Eventually, these actions become automated, and get pulled out of the decision-making process. 

We’re part-machine, and we need to make use of it.

Tracking And Prepping

Day One – Form Check

Better now than wait a few weeks and miss a bunch of progress. This only really needs to be repeated every three to four weeks. But for the purpose of keeping this neatly wrapped up, there’ll be a slot at the end of reset.

Day One Tasks
Record your morning bodyweight
Take a waist measurement
Take some progress pictures

Days One – Two – Six Key Habits

Now we can round up those master habits and put them into play. Before we start rolling them out, I have to concede that we can’t all treat fitness like it’s a full-time job. There’s plenty of other errands that need to get done over the course of a day. So with the goal of not making this into a massive headache that you ditch after five hours, I’ll keep this down to the barest and most potent essentials.

See My Tracking Guide – Scales & Steps

1. Log your foods in an app like Myfitnesspal, or use a journal

I have to give it to you straight, calories still matter. Mounds of the best foods can still add up. Fresh-faced dieters also tend to have a complete inability to estimate those portion sizes. Eventually, it can become an acquired skill, but that can take years.

This isn’t necessarily about calorie counting. By tracking your foods, you’ll be put on the spot and be unable to conveniently forget the two pieces of chocolate you nabbed on your walk past the kitchen. It’s time to be honest.

Perhaps more importantly, you’ll be able to see whether your fat and protein intakes are adequate. I won’t offer up any guidelines just yet, but you’ll get a decent estimate by using an app like Myfitnesspal or Cronometer to do your tracking.

2. Prepare all your main meals

No takeaways, no meal deals, you’re starting from scratch. By all means, you don’t have to assemble all the ingredients together to make homemade mayonnaise. You could even sidestep the whole cooking business by grabbing some tinned food. The meal just has to be made in advance, and with some thought. 

Check Out My Collection Of Keto Recipes

3. Cut down on snacking

Pin down the times to have your main meals, and make it a mission to avoid grabbing something in-between. Even if it’s just an apple, or something as healthy a protein shake and nibble of beef jerky. Humans are perfectly designed to go long hours between meals, because we have these things called fat stores. But the modern theme of constant grazing has forced us into a dysfunctional metabolic state where those fat stores don’t easily cough up, and going empty for a few hours can feel impossible. 

The good news is that this a problem with plenty of fixes. Holding off on that temptation is one. This isn’t a hard-and-fast rule like the other habits I’ve listed, it’s more of a consideration.

See My Guide – How Long Should You Fast?

4. Don’t eat within three hours of bedtime

There are two main benefits to adopting this rule. For one, you’re skipping on the most dangerous part of the day. The late evening hours will see you at your most tired, and with that comes an ineptness to make good decisions. At the same time, eating into the night will rob the digestive organs of their time off, decreasing their ability to process foods the next day.

5. Also, don’t eat within two hours of waking up

The same idea works into the morning, where your digestion will need some time to get going. You don’t have to stretch this fasting window to the normal 16 hours, keeping those limits around bedtime and morning will allow your metabolism to sync up with your 24-hour body clock. The results will be less hunger, better sleep, and more energy.

6. Salt your foods

Salt might be the devil for some of you, but if you’re cutting down on prepackaged and processed foods, your sodium intake is likely going to be below requirements. That’s going to mean dehydration, hunger, and low energy. So it’s important to make a habit of generously salting your main meals with a good mineral salt, like Redmond Real Salt.

The Start To Mindful Eating

We’re fast-tracking the usual meandering and getting straight to the ones that are proven to work. All of these strategies will be extremely effective at making you more aware of your eating habits, which is a skill that steadily gets better and better. Over these two weeks, I’d highly recommend keeping these six habits running through each day, and by the end, you’ll be in a great position to see which of them get to stay on in your daily schedule.

Day One - Two Tasks
1. Log your foods in an app like Myfitnesspal, or use a journal
2. Prepare all your main meals
3. Cut down on snacking
4. Don’t eat within three hours of bedtime
5. Also, don’t eat within two hours of waking up
6. Salt your foods

I’ll be taking this reset on myself, and posting more guides and meal ideas in the process. If you have any questions, don’t wait around, just fire your questions over to my email or social media.

Head Through To Day Three

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