Tag: beef

salt dangers

Why You Should Be Eating More Salt

Salt has been given a bad rap over recent decades, getting the finger of blame for the western world’s run-ins with high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke, and kidney disease.

carnivore diet saturated fat

How To Use Saturated Fat To Ramp Up Fat Loss

Eat more fat, to lose the fat. That might seem counterintuitive to those who haven’t already been schooled in the dark arts of keto. But when you start digging into the science behind this claim, it should start to look a little more credible.

agricultural revolution mistakes

Was The Agricultural Revolution Our Worst Mistake?

The agricultural revolution was a trade deal, and our ancestors agreed to pay the price. They received more food, and with it, more people. In return, they gave up their health, and in all likeliness, their happiness.

ruminant meat benefits

Why Ruminants Are The Pick Of The Food Chain

Ever wondered why we don’t go around hunting mountain lions for dinner? Obviously, there might not be many lurking around your part of the world, but this applies to practically all carnivores.

Carnivore Meatza Pizza Recipe

It’s the kind of pizza you can have every night. Free of guilt, loaded with prime nutrition. It’s also a great way to get your liver in.

Carnivore Scrambled Brain Recipe

You might have thought getting your brains scrambled would be a terrible way to start the day, yet it’s anything but. It’s downright delicious.