Healthy Mitochondria Are The Key To Reversing Ageing
This might be the elixir of life we’ve been chasing in alchemy labs since the days of the Ancient Greeks. Or at least, it’s the gateway to living long, and living well.
This might be the elixir of life we’ve been chasing in alchemy labs since the days of the Ancient Greeks. Or at least, it’s the gateway to living long, and living well.
Cold showers come armed with all manner of friendly health outcomes. By diving into freezing temperatures, silencing the panic, smiling at the pain, you can directly enhance the body’s physiology. Right down to the mitochondria.
In the scope of a fitness transformation, dopamine is what makes or break your chances. If you can harness its potential, you never stop moving forward. Pain stops being an obstacle, it becomes an opportunity.
I’m delighted with these guys for pushing on in spite of 2020, and keeping the spark throughout. There’s no need to put the brakes on for a lockdown.
Step away from the phone, the computer, or whatever you’re using for mindless screen-time. The more time you can wrest away from this, the better your motivation levels will become.
This diet might be framed as the ultimate weight loss aid, but that shouldn’t distract you from its ability to completely transform the mind.
Tick each of these boxes and you’ll no longer be worrying about plateaus. They’ll be taken out of the game. The only thing left to puzzle over would be, at which stop do you get off? It’ll be a hard thing to break.